I Am Perfectly Designed

Written by: Jason Brown and Karamo Brown

Illustrated by: Anoosha Syed

Reviewed by: Macey Putnam (2020-2021)

“An ode to loving who you are, exactly as you are.”

I am Perfectly Designed is a book that celebrates who you are and reminds the reader, no matter how they might feel, they are perfectly designed just the way they are. The story is mostly a dialogue as Karamo Brown and his son Jason take a trip down memory lane. They walk through the city reminiscing about the times they spent together running through the park and reaching their hands toward the bright moon. During their times together they remind each other that they are “perfectly designed from their heads to their toes”.

I believe this story has an amazing message. It is easy to compare yourself to the world around you but as you read along with the story the reader is reminded that you are perfect the exact way you are and everyone’s differences makes the world a colorful place. The book also expresses how a person can sometimes have big and overwhelming feelings and may need to ask for help. With ease, Karamo tells his son that these feelings are completely normal and he should express them freely. He also explains that asking for help is a normal part of life and includes a list of trusted adults that he could go to, including family members or teachers. With the book being aimed toward 4-8 year old children I think this book would fit well in a 1st-3rd grade class. After reading I am Perfectly Designed aloud the students could come together to celebrate what makes them unique because they are “perfectly designed from their heads to their toes”.

One thought on “I Am Perfectly Designed

  1. I love the message behind this book! Such a strong identity and representation book. Sounds like a great read aloud for SEL work. I’ve added it to my “to buy” list (which is not quite long).

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