My First Day

Written and illustrated by Phùng Nguyên Quang and Hunỳnh Kim Liên 
Reviewed by Lucie Wharton-Moeur
Early Elementary Picturebook

The first day of school is an event every child around the world experiences. In this story, a young boy who lives along The Mekong Delta begins his journey to school on the first day. This is the first time his parents trusted him to take the boat on his own. The boy begins his boat journey at dawn, armed with a paddle and his backpack. As he rows through the Mekong flood water, he sees the flora and fauna along his trip through a new lens. He compares the natural world around him to “unfamiliar hallways” and a “crayon box full of colors.” The author shapes a beautiful contrast using dark and light illustrations to convey the boy’s mixed emotions about starting school. As the sun lit up the sky, his emotions about starting school got brighter as well. I love the illustrations in this book because they can tell a story of their own. The use of colors and bright, natural imagery brings this book to life! Here, the boy encounters a family of water buffalo: 

This book can act as both a mirror and a window for most students in the classroom. If this book is read towards the start of the school year, many students might see mirrors in the nerves and mix emotions the boy felt about the first day. It can also act as a beautiful window because it shares a specific story of an area in Vietnam where it is common to travel by boat. It would be a great way to begin early discussions of SEL and bringing strangeness and familiarity together.

The author’s note section is a vital part of this story and should be shared with students. It depicts a map of the Mekong and lists multiple facts about the area and the river. Additionally, it explains that this first day is “one story of the first day of school in our part of the world.” It is important that students do not overgeneralize the story within this book and appreciate it for what it is. This book can be a great starting point for a dialogue about diversity and normalizing different cultural practices around the world. 


4 thoughts on “My First Day

  1. Great review Lucie! The illustrations in this book look beautiful, and I love your point about how it can serve as both a window and a mirror for all students. Thanks for sharing 🙂

  2. Gotta love the back matter! These illustrations are also just dreamy. I think your point about highlighting the specific nature of this first day experience represented in the book and avoiding overgeneralization is critical and could lead to some very meaningful conversations (for all grades really).

  3. Wow! The art in this book looks so gorgeous, it really does bring it to life! Your review is captivating and really makes me want to check it out! Like you said it seems like a great way to start off the year and talk about the intersection of difference and familiarity. It reminds me of the video we watched in Teri’s class about a day in the life of the woman who worked at the banana plantation. I think they could be used together in starting these discussions in a classroom!

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