Malala’s Magical Pencil

Written by Malala Yousafzai
Illustrated by Kerascoet
Reviewed by Jane Lyons

This biography tells the story of Malala as a young girl growing up in Pakistan. The picture book begins with a simple question. Do you believe in Magic? Malala shares that she wished for a magical pencil to solve life’s problems when she was younger, including stopping time to sleep an extra hour in the morning or erase the smell of the trash dump near her home. As Malala grew, her perspective shifted. She discovered she was lucky to attend school compared to other children in Pakistan. As time went on, Malala’s education became threatened. So, instead of wishing and waiting for a magical pencil, Malala decided to speak out. She picked up a pencil and began writing about the barriers she faced as a young woman in Pakistan. She continues writing and writing, as her voice becomes heard around Pakistan and the world!

This story about Malala is a great resource to include in a classroom library. It models children to speak out and take action on current issues, and it encourages standing up for human rights, creating a wider worldview for students.



One thought on “Malala’s Magical Pencil

  1. Jane: Love this as a bridge to a lesson about writing as advocates – especially in terms of it’s “wider worldview”. Well put! <3 Mary

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